Association of Black Creatives

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Ultimate Photoshoot Checklist

1. Camera gear: Ensure all cameras, lenses, and accessories are packed and in working order.
2. Lighting equipment: Don't forget lights, reflectors, and diffusers for the perfect shot.
3. Styling tools: Bring clothing racks, hangers, and garment bags for organized wardrobe changes.
4. Wardrobe essentials: Confirm outfits, accessories, and any wardrobe-related props.
5. Hair and makeup kit: Include products, tools, and hygiene essentials for the talent.
6. Location permits: Double-check and pack any necessary permits or permissions for shooting locations.
7. Props: Pack any props needed for the shoot to enhance the creative vision.
8. Tech essentials: Bring chargers, extra batteries, and any needed adapters for electronic devices.
9. Emergency kit: Include a first aid kit, sewing kit, and basic tools for unexpected situations.
10. Behind-the-scenes essentials: Capture the process with a notebook, pens, and a clipboard for notes and schedules.
11. Refreshments: Keep the team energized with water, snacks, and light refreshments.
12. Weather preparedness: Check the forecast and pack accordingly—umbrellas, sunscreen, or warm layers.
13. Set design materials: Bring scissors, tape, clips, and any other materials needed for set construction or adjustments.
14. Call sheet: Have a printed copy of the call sheet for easy reference throughout the shoot.
15. Communication devices: Ensure everyone has working radios, phones, or other communication tools.
16. Team contact list: Compile a list with contact information for all team members and key contacts.
17. Personal items: Don't forget your ID, wallet, and any personal items needed for the day.

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